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“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen” 2 Peter 3:18

I love my garden and it is a thrill for me to plant seeds and watch for their little baby heads to pop up from the dark ground reaching for the sun. These seeds have everything they need to grow to a mature productive plant. But they will need a little help along the way. Not all seeds are the same. Each one is designed to grow in its own unique environment. An environment planned by its Creator. A desert plant will not grow in a swamp. Yet in their uniqueness they are all the same, reaching for the sun, sending out their message of the glory of God.

Much like these plants we are commanded to grow in grace…

What does that mean? I love how C.H. Spurgeon explains it, “… the text does not say grace grows. It tells us to grow in grace. God’s grace never increases because it is infinite, so it cannot be more, and, in the nature of God, it could not be less.”

We dwell in the rich soil of God’s grace, it is in His grace where we thrive as we reach out for the Son. As we grow in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the closer we get to the Son, our fellowship with Him increases. He waters us and causes us to bloom. The seed is designed to yield to the Son. You see, it is also our lot to die in the garden of grace. It is only when we die that we begin to multiply. We throw out seeds of His grace to a lost and dying world. As the seed travels along on the wind, only the Gardener knows where it’s going to land. It may be in a desert place, swamp, or plain. Wherever you find yourself…

Bloom where you’re planted… To Him be the glory both now and forever, Amen

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