JOY IN THE JOURNEY …Is A Season of Winter
Then God said,”Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;…” Genesis 1:14
I like the seasonal changes, it causes me to see how perfectly God set the Earth in orbit and gave predictably to nature.
We have recently had some very cold and icy days. Days that cause us to want to curl up with a soft blanket and just hibernate for awhile. While quiet solitude may be necessary sometimes, it should never lead to isolation. As attractive as that may be, that is not God’s plan for us. We were never meant to be separated from one another for long periods of time. We are social beings created for society, dependent on one another.
I confess, It is easy for me to want to curl up in my own little world and isolate. I have to be purposeful about being available because I know isolation makes me vulnerable to the enemy.
Peter defines this purposefulness as being ,sober, vigilant; resisting; steadfast in the faith. We are told that Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The lion hunts the most vulnerable who are isolated from the herd. Peter warns us about this enemy. Peter knew what he was talking about from his own experience. Satan’s eye was on Peter. He was waiting for the right moment to destroy him and his testimony. The right time came when Jesus was arrested and the disciples were separated. Peter followed Jesus at a distance. Cold and alone Satan pounced, and out of fear Peter denied even knowing his Lord.
Without the encouragement of the other disciples Peter was vulnerable and afraid. After his denial, Peter was crushed in abject despair. Satan had done what he set out to do. Sift Peter like wheat. He effectively shut Peter down and temporarily prevented him from being an encouragement to the other disciples. Peter was humbled.
But Peter’s story does not end in failure. Jesus, the Repairer of the breach, sought out Peter to renew and restore what Satan thought he had destroyed. Peter was given a great commission and was faithful to the end.
Beware of those times when tempted to isolate, they are not from God. We can’t follow Jesus from a distance, we need fellowship with Him and His people if we are to thrive.
Enjoy the Winter. Don’t let the gray days overwhelm you. Be purposeful to avoid long hibernation and encourage one another in the faith. Those who may be home bound and cannot get out are particularly vulnerable. Pray for them, think of someone who you can call and be a light of encouragement today. For there is Joy In the Journey.
Genesis1:14, Hebrews 10:25, 1Peter: 4:8-18, 1Peter 5:8-9, Isaiah: 58:12, Psalm 60:1-2,